Viewing page 57 of 105

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     June 25, 1912 (cont.)
                        I 37628
No.|Int. Class| Remark
 55|5       F8|
 56|1        K|
 57|3       K2|
 58|7       A0|
 59|3       G5|
 60|4       Ma|
 61|2       G5|
 62|4       A5|
 63|2       K0|
 64|5       A5|
 65|2       F5|
 66|3       G5|
 67|2       K0|
 68|6       G0|
 69|5       F8|
 70|1       K5|
 71|2        F|
 72|2       G0|
 73|2       G0|
 74|3       G5|
 75|2       G0|
 76|2       F8|
 77|2       A2|
 78|7       K0|
 79|4       F5|
 80|6       A0|
 81|3       G5|


 55|+11°     1908|8     38.5|+11      6.2     7.7|✓
 56|+11°     1910|8     38.8|+11     28.6     9.0|✓
 57|+11°     1912|8     39.2|+11     56.7     7.7|✓
 58|+11°     191[[strikethrough]]1[[/strikethrough]]3|8     39.3|+11     41.0     7.8|✓
 59|+11°     1914|8     39.6|+11     11.9     8.8|✓
 60|+10°     1876|8     40.7|+10     57.3     7.1|✓
 61|+9°      2048|8     38.8|+9      51.0     8.8|✓
 62|+9°      2053|8     39.4|+9      54.6     8.8|✓
 63|+9°      2056|8     39.5|+9      47.3     8.3|✓
 64|+9°      2063|8     41.7|+9      24.0     7.8|✓
 65|+8°      [[strikethrough]]30[[/strikethrough]]2124|8     41.4|+8      34.0     9.0|✓
 66|+8°      [[strikethrough]]30[[/strikethrough]]2127|8     42.3|+8      47.5     8.5|✓
 67|+8°      [[strikethrough]]30[[/strikethrough]]2132|8     43.3|+8      51.7     8.2|✓
 68|+8°      [[strikethrough]]30[[/strikethrough]]2134|8     44.5|+8      35.8     6.8|✓
 69|+8°      [[strikethrough]]30[[/strikethrough]]2138|8     46.2|+8      56.9     7.7|✓
 70|+9°      2067|8     42.5|+[[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]]9      48.5     8.7|✓
 71|+10°     1889|8     43.9|+10     55.4     9.0|✓
 72|+10°     1893|8     44.4|+10     24.3     8.5|✓
 73|+10°     1897|8     45.3|+10     42.0     8.5|✓
 74|+10°     1899|8     45.5|+10     10.5     8.3|✓
 75|+9°      2076|8     45.2|+[[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]]9      44.6     8.5|✓
 76|+10°     [[strikethrough]]18[[/strikethrough]]1900|8     46 4|+[[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]]10     21.4     8.8|✓
 77|+10°     19[[strikethrough]]38[[/strikethrough]]41|8     46.7|+11     21.0     8.8|✓
 78|+12°     [[strikethrough]]1717[[/strikethrough]]1941|8     48.0|+12     11.4     5.8|✓
 79|+11°     1947|8     49.2|+11     18.9     8.5|✓
 80|+11°     1950|8     50.0|+11     23.0     8.2|✓
 81|+11°     1952|8     50.1|+11     36.3     9.0|✓

Cards made out