Viewing page 54 of 106

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Friday, Sept 6, 1912
B20766 Short disp.

[4-Column Table]
|55 |3   |A3   |  --  |
|56 |2   |F5   |  --  |
|57 |1   |K2   |  --  |
|58 |1   |G    |  --  |
|59 |8   |K0   |  --  |
|60 |10  |A0   |  --  |
|61 |5   |K0   |  --  |
|62 |5   |F8   |  --  |
|63 |2   |G0   |  --  |
|64 |2   |A5   |  --  |
|65 |9   |B9   |Focus very poor.|
|66 |2   |K5   |  --  |
Time: 11.22
|67 |8   |A0   |  --  |


[9-Column Table]
|55|-17° 613|3  4.5|-17 59.2 8.6|√|
|56|-17° 612|3  4.5|-17 37.0 8.8|√|
|57|-18° 545|3  2.9|-15 37.2 8.5|√|
|58|[[strikethrough]][[18-]][[/strikethrough]]-90° 620|3  3.0|-19  0.6 8.9|√|
|59|-20° 620|3  6.4|-20 34.1 6.5|√|
|60|-20° 605|3  8.7|-20 33.5 6.7|√|
|61|-19° 693|3  9.5|-19 53.5 8.0|√|
|62|-19° 648|3 11.6|-17 35.5 8.5|√|
|63|-19° 650|3 11.8|-19  9.0 8.8|√|
|64|-20° 609|3 10.1|-20 49.4 8.9|√|
|65|[[strikethrough]][[-20]][[/strikethrough]]-21° 576|3  5.7|-21 10.1 7.0|√|
|66|[[strikethrough]][[-20]][[strikethrough]]-21° 573|3  [[strikethrough]][[5.6]][[/strikethrough]]5.5|-21 20.4 7.8|√|
 Identified by M.C.W. Sept 13,1912.
 Checked by AMC Sept 13, 1912
 Cards made out by M.C.W.
|67|-19° 617|3  2.3|-19 31   7.3|-|