Viewing page 62 of 106

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Time: 11.38 B12241 short disp

[[4 columned table]]
|1|2|K0|   |
|2|4|G0|   |
|3|4|G0|   |
|4|2|G0|   |
|5|2|K2|   |
|6|2|G|   |
|7|4|K5|   |
|8|[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]3|G5|   |
|9|2|F0|   |
|10|8|A3|   |
|11|3|F5|   |
|12|2|K0|   |
|13|10|F0|   |
|14|4|K2|Another star superposed at north.|
|15|4|K5|   |
|16|2|G0|   |
|Time 11.43 17|2|F8|   |
|[[strikethrough]]18[[/strikethrough]]|8|A0|   |


[[5 columned table]]
|1|-28° 609|1 50.9|-28 9.8|8.0✓|   |
|2|-28° 599|1 49.9|-28 19.2|8.4✓|   |
|3|-27° 648|1 47.0|-27 51.9|8.2✓|   |
|4|-27° 642|1 46.3|-27 43.9|8.5✓|   |
|5|-27° 623|1 43.5|-27 41.6|8.2✓|   |
|6|-27° 625|1 44.1|-27 45.3|9.0✓|   |
|7|-28° 573|1 43.6|-28 23.5|8.0✓|   |
|8|-27° 605|1 41.9|-27 22.4|8.6✓|   |
|9|-27° 615|1 42.8|-27 11.3|8.6✓|   |
|10|-26° 642|1 42.8|-26 52.7|7.3✓|   |
|11|-26° 644|1 43.1|-26 46.7|8.5✓|   |
|12|-26° 645|1 43.2|-26 39.2|8.1✓|   |
|13|-25° 704|1 39.8|-25 40.8|5.4✓|   |
|14|-26° 62[[strikethrough]]1[[/strikethrough]]2|1 40.0|-26 56.4|7.8✓|-26° 62[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]3 magn. 8.6 Superposed|
|15|-27° 592|1 39.8|-27 1.5|7.3✓|   |
|16|-26° 62[[strikethrough]]0[[/strikethrough]]1|1 39.4|-26 59.1|8.4✓|   |    
|17|-28° 532|1 36.0|-28 36.4 |8.3✓|   |

Identified by A.M.C. Sept. 19. 1912
Checked by J.C.M. September 30, 1912
cards made out by M.C.W
Cards checked by G.G.W.

[[5 columned table]]
|18|-27° 688|1 53.6|-27 2.3|6.6✓|