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May 19. Hunted all the forenoon. Killed some birds & identified many more, birds are very numerous in the narrow strip of timber & brush along the river. They evidently follow the river in migrating, & all resident or sojourning woodland birds collect in this timber.

Found a good many holes of Striped Gophers but saw only a glimpse of one, didn't find a mouse hole of any kind.

Caught another yound Jack Rabbit. It was sitting in a scooped out place under some grass & I crawled up & grabbed it. When caught bleated like a young lamb & kicked hard but soon lay still in my hands, was about as big as the other. Had to look up some birds in the "Key" & some plants in the botany & with preparing some specimens this took till supper time so went hunting again after supper. Had but little success. Am afraid I will not find many mice.