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[[left page blank]] [[start page]] May 20, Sunday, windy but very warm. Murcury reached 77[[degree symbol]]. Lightning in the east in evening. " [[Ditto for: May]] 21. A [[strikethrough]] clear [[/strikethrough]] warm day - windy. Mosquitos very thick even on the tops of high hills. Have been in the field all of the forenoon & most of afternoon. Found lots of mouse signs & set 18 traps, Caught one Arvicola riparis in an old well. Killed a Burrowing Owl & saw another. They were at old deserted Prairie Dog holes. Was on the hills & prairie most of day & saw less birds than usual; only added one to my list. " [[Ditto for: May]] 22. Rained hard in night & most of forenoon. Went to my traps in afternoon & found the bait washed off & most of them disturbed by the rain but got one fine Austerus, one Thomomys & two birds in the traps. Set the traps over.
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