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May 29. Clear & warm. Hard storm in evening. Went across to W. side in forenoon & went to traps. Got three Hesperomys & one Austerus.
Set the traps again but suppose the storm has upset them.
Worked all afternoon preparing the specimens. Looked up a few plants in the botany.

" [[ditto for: May]] 30. Rained hard in the night, very muddy in morning so did not go out till about 10 A.M.  Hunted birds in brush along river till noon.
Afternoon got a horse & went out six miles to a Prairie Dog town, saw about 50 Dogs & four Burrowing Owls. The Dogs are very wild & I did'nt get any. Killed one Owl & some small birds. Added four birds to my list today. The wind blew so we could not cross the river.

" [[ditto for: May]] 31. Rained in morning, then clear. Went across on W. side of river.

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May . Got some Prairie Dogs & Austerus. Some notes & sketches, didnt get any dinner. A hard days work but with fairly good success.

June 1. Skinned 2 Prairie Dogs in morning, stuffed 3 & then pack all day & wrote until 12 P.M. Expect to start down the river tomorrow.

" [[Ditto for: June]] 2. Boat didnt come. could not get at any work except to do a little sketching.

" [[Ditto for: June]] 3. Sunday.
The steamer came at 11.A.M. were loaded with soldiers & had some trouble to get on board, but the captain said I could go if I could sleep on deck.
Name of boat "The Terry."
Only ran about two hours, got stuck in the mud & the wind blew so the pilot could not see the channel.
Saw the first boulders on W. side of river about 15 or 20 mile below Pierre.
Tied up for the night at 6:30.