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June. In afternoon took gun & note book & started for the hills. Found some 7. quadrivittatus, killed a pair of Blue Grosbeaks & a Painted Finch.
Saw a white throated Swift, all new to me.

" [[ditto for: June]] 24. Sunday,

" [[ditto for: June]] 25. Took traps & went up to hills, set traps for gophers, mice, rats, & mink, & Prairie Dog.
Found a Rattle Snake, the first I have seen alive, led it home with a string. Killed some bird but didnt get anything of account.
Set more traps & hunted in afternoon.
Rained in evening & will upset some of the traps.

" [[ditto for: June]] 26. Set traps for Bever, found a Prairie Dog town & killed one dog. went to other traps but only got one Thomomys.

Transcription Notes:
What the hell is Vernon doing leading a rattlesnake about with a string?! -@siobhanleachman