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June 27. Went to traps but didn't get the Bever. Killed some Prairie Dogs – 3 young & one old one. Could have killed any number of adults but the young are shy. In all my traps only got one Thomomys. Skinned the Prairie Dogs & hunted for mice in evening.
Saw two young Panthers up in the hills but had nothing but fine shot with me & let them go. Came home & got some heavy shot & went back could not find them.

" [[ditto for: June]] 28. Hunted & went to traps in forenoon. Got some more young Prairie Dogs & S. 13lineatus & an austerus.

Worked at the skins most of afternoon. In evening, just before sundown, saw an old Panther going along a side hill about 80 rods from the house.
Follow a ways but it was of no use.

Transcription Notes:
S. 13lineatus = (= Spermophilus, now Ictidomys, tridecemlineatus). Thanks to Kristofer Helgen @khelgen for the info. - @siobhanleachman