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July, Then went to town a foot & got book at 12:15.
Afternoon hunted some, killed a few birds & stuffed a Sorex personatus then worked on my report till supper. Hunted bats in evening shot 5 times & got one bat. A clear pleasant day but a shower in afternoon.

" [[ditto for: July]] 25. Worked till noon on my report, in afternoon packed the specimens, packed my trunk & wrote letter so as to be all ready to start early in morning. 

" [[ditto for: July]] 26. Went to Custer in morning & took the stage for Buffalo Gap at 10 A.M. Arrived at the Gap about 4 P.M. A pleasant ride of 25 mi. over stony roads. The pine & granite regions of the hills seem to be co-extensive. After leaving the granite we cross