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Aug. 17. Finished my report in A.M. & begun packing the specimens. Finished packing them at 3 P.M. & then packed my trunk.
Have a team engaged to take me to Laramie in the morning.

" [[ditto for: Aug.]] 18. Left Wood's place at 9. A.M. for Laramie, traveling 26 miles across the plains by team. Reached Laramie at 3 P.M., shipped my box of specimens, mad arrangements to have my mail forwarded & then had to wait till 8 P.M. for the train to Cheyenne. Wrote & sketched some while waiting.
Reached Cheyenne at 11. P.M. & put up at the Arlington House.

" [[ditto for: Aug.]] 19. Sunday.
Took a walk over the prairie & saw lots of Prairie Dogs – all C. ludovocianus.