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[[underline]] 1889. [[/underline]]

Jan. 1, Came into St. George, Utah, in morning. went to P.O. & wrote litter. Found all the stores closed. Went up a valley for a mile or two north of town & camped near rocks. Set traps & skinned things [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] in P.M. 

Found many birds that left me two months ago in Salt Lake Valley. Saw 3 flocks of about a dozen each of Orortyx gambeli, & killed a Cryssal Thrasher. Didn't get time to hunt any.

Wrote this by brush fire in evening.

" [[ditto for: Jan.]] 2. H. Keays went to his traps & got a little Skunk & a new kind of Perognathus I finished some skins, went to town & down in valley, hunted & set some traps. Found nothing new. Cold night, warm day.

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Jan. 5 [[strikethrough]] A cloudy & not very cold night. had a good catch of mice; 8 Ochetodons, 5 Dipodemys, 1 Arvicola & 1 Mus musculus. Skinned things most of day, hunted & set traps till dark. Shot at a Swan in pond. Saw lots of Coon tracks & set traps for coon. [[/strikethrough]] 

Killed 5 Quails. A warm day.