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Jan. 12 Rained slowly all night & all day. not cold, but is snowing on the Beverdam Mts.

Went to traps in morning. got 13 Hesperomys, 4 of the long tailed species. Made up 8 skins & some birds. Did a little sketching & wrote some in evening. Still raining.

" [[ditto for: Jan.]] 13 Sunday, clear & warm till noon, then rained the rest of day & didnt stop for supper. Cooked pancakes in the rain & went to bed early.

" [[ditto for: Jan.]] 14. Rained steadily all night & all day. cleared up at dark. Snowed on the hills a little higher up. Could do nothing out of doors & too cold to write in tent.

Caught 3 longtailed Hesperomys & some of the sonoriensis & a Spermophilus grammarus.

Wrote a little & H Keays skinned 2 mice. A unpleasant day.

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Transcription Notes:
I assume Vernon means Beaver Dam Mts - @meg_shuler added [[start page]] back in, per Instructions -@meg_shuler