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Jan. 23 Traveled about 20 miles & camped a mile past Bunkerville. road sandy & had to cross the river 17 times. 

No change of country or life or plants. One new cacti found. A flock of geese seen, the first since leaving Manti.

A large part of the plants are evergreen shrubs.

A warm clear day.

" [[ditto for: Jan]] 24 Followed the river all day. did'nt get to St. Thomas. Found a new bird, Auriparus flaviceps. Saw a lot of Snow geese & common geese.

Roads sandy or muddy. crossed river 5 times. probably made 20 miles.

There are no trees in sight but a few willows. no snow but on Virgin Peak.

Scarcely frozen in morning, warm all day.

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Transcription Notes:
added [[start page]] back in, per Instructions -@meg_shuler