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Jan. 25 Went about a mile & got in quicksand & came near loosing our outfit. had to carry the load out of the river & then take apart the wagon & carry it out. Worked will noon & then got things fixed up & went on. Got to St. Thomas at sundown. Windy all of P.M. & a perfect gale in evening & but few birds seen. Hills & drifts of dry sand are becoming common. " [[ditto for: Jan.]] 26. Made a few skins while Keays set traps. then I set traps & hunted the rest of day. Caught 2 Thomomys. Found lots of Ducks & Geese & Quails & other birds not found north of here. Grass & many other plants are green & growing. No frost in morning, a warm day, windy in evening. [[end page]] [[start page]] Jan. 27 Sunday. warm, no frost. Windy in evening. " [[ditto for: Jan.]] 28 Very warm & summer like. +72 [[degrees symbol]] at noon. no wind in evening. The first evening that there has not been a gale. Went to traps. got a Dipodomys, and Onychomys, a Hesperomys, & 2 Thomomys. Set more traps & made skins. Quails are very numerous & not wild. are fine eating. Coyotes killed a hog & eat part of it & the Indians eat the rest. " [[ditto for: Jan]] 29 Left St. Thomas at 8 A.M. took up traps & carried specimens along to skin in evening. Followed down the river, crossing it 4 times, & camped an hour before sundown & set traps, went about 15 miles. set 24 traps. Shot a Chen hyperborealis from a flock of 20. Cooked it for supper but it was tough. Made 4 skins in evening. Very warm day, light frost in morn.