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[[underline]] 1889 [[/underline]]

Feb. 1. Spent a night on the desert with no water for the horses.

A cold dry night, froze but no frost.

Nothing in traps.

A long day without water for team & slow traveling. reached Mountain Spring after dark & paid a dollar for about 40 pounds of dead grass & 50ยข for water for team.

Traveled all day up the Deterial Valley, with scant vegetation of a little evergreen shrub & a few small, dry thorny bushes, about 9 species of Cacti, & 2 kinds of tree Yuccas. In all about 20 species of plants but so far apart the ground seems mostly bare.

Very few birds or signs of mammals seen but notes taken on those seen with distances from water as near as I could judge. Mountain Spring is said to be 47 miles from Stones Ferry.

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Transcription Notes:
"Deterial" Valley must be a Vernon-ism for the Detrital Valley in AZ -@meg_shuler added [[start page]] back in, per Instructions -@meg_shuler