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Feb. 4. A warm night, no frost, warm day.

Went up on the mountains & was out till nearly sundown. Had a hard tramp & didnt get much. Killed 3 Tamias of a kind not found before. Caught a little Thomomus on mountain & killed a few birds.

Set traps. Keays caught 7 Tamias in traps near the camp. Made some skins in evening.

"[[ditto for Feb.]] 5 No frost. Warm.

Went to traps & hunted. got no new mammals except a Perognathus that was healf eaten.

Took some birds.

Got more Tamias'.

Put up 11 skins.

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Transcription Notes:
t and f look very similar added [[start page]] back in, per Instructions -@meg_shuler