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Feb. 6. Went to traps before breakfast, got a Urocyon virginianus & 3 Thomomys & some Hesperomys.

Keays got 3 Tamias & others during the day. Put up skins till noon. then wrote some & set traps till dark. A warm day. No frost. a few clouds in P.M.

Coyotes howl all around in evening.

"[[ditto for Feb.]] 7 Warm day.

Went to traps & got 3 more little Thomomys & an Onychomys. Shot some Rabbits.

Wrote on report part of day. Herb Keays caught some Tamias & 2 Dipodomys & made some skins. is improving in skin making.

"[[ditto for Feb.]] 8 No frost. Warm & clear. Caught a little Spermophile new to me. Set a lot of traps for them. Made some skins

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Transcription Notes:
added [[start page]] back in, per Instructions -@meg_shuler