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Feb. 9 Warm & windy.

Got 2 more little Spermophiles

Took up traps.

Made a few skins & wrote on report.

Herb Keays went up on mountains got a new bird - Psaltriparus plumbeaus.

"[[ditto for Feb.]] 10 Sunday. Warm. no frost.

"[[ditto for Feb.]] 11 Got up early & finished report & packed up & started at noon for Mineral Park. Went past Quail Spring & camped in valley. Made about 13 miles.

"[[ditto for Feb.]] 12 A warm night & pleasant day. Reached Mineral Park about noon & found a lot of mail, sent letters, Could not find a good place to camp & so went to Gross Spring, 2 miles south. Camped & set some traps. Got some good specimens along road. Saw some new birds.

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Transcription Notes:
added [[start page]] back in, per Instructions -@meg_shuler