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Feb. 13. Warm, windy, cloudy a while in P.M.

Got some mammals, made 8 skins, set more traps. Killed some birds.

"[[ditto for Feb.]] 14 Windy night, rained in showers most of day & thundered, snowed higher up. not much water fell, ground dry in evening. Wind strong. 

Caught but little in traps.

Hunted horses most of day, 

Saw a Burrowing Owl.

Cleared up in evening.

"[[ditto for Feb.]] 15  +20 [[degree symbol]] at sunrise. snowed in P.M. about an inch & then went off. Keays hunted horses all day.

I made 8 mammal skins & a bird & packed some skins & kept house. Weather unpleasant.

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Transcription Notes:
added [[start page]] back in, per Instructions -@meg_shuler Meg is excellent transcriber, edits are few! Rosalie