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Apr. 5 Caught a Thomomys in morning, during the day a D. deserti, 3 Spermophilus terelicaudus (longtailed), & another Thomomys.

Made 6 skins

Set more traps.

Went up on mesa. found some fox holes, not fresh. 

Not very hot. a breeze & some clouds.

Worked late in evening.

" [[ditto for: Apr.]] 6 Caught 3 D. deserti, 3 Spermophilus tereticaudus, 1 Perognathus. Skinned them all. Killed 3 rattle snakes. skinned 2 of them. Got a Harporhynchus leconti.

Went to traps twice about a mile to the farthest.

A pleasant day. not hot.

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Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Spermophilus terelicaudus = Spermophilus tereticaudus I think Vernon forgot to cross his t's. - @siobhanleachman