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May 8. Went to traps before breakfast
Caught a Hesperomys & a Rabbit.

Shot birds & skinned them most of the day.

" [[ditto for: May]] 9 Caught an Onychomys. 

Shot some birds.

" [[ditto for: May]] 10 Caught 2 Onychomys & a Perognathus & 2 Thomomys & shot a lot of birds & made skins.

Made 8 bird skins & 6 mammal skins.

A cool day & pleasant.

" [[ditto for: May]] 11 Went to town & to traps at same time. got back at noon.

Caught some Dipodomys & Thomomys.

Made 6 mammal skins & 3 bird skins in P.M.

A warm day.

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