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May 19. Sunday. warm, 102 [[degree symbol]] at 2. P.M. 

A Campylorhynchus sat on top of a Mesquit tree & sung for over an hour in the hottest part of the day. It is a nice singer too.

" [[ditto for: May]] 20 Hunted before breakfas & then till noon. Killed some birds & a Spermophile.

Made skins from noon to supper, then set traps till dark - 23.

Warm, 103 [[degree symbol]] at 2 P.M.

" [[ditto for: May]] 21 Went to traps before breakfast. caught 4 Dipodomys & a Perognathus Skinned these & studied botany till noon. Hunted & skinned birds in P.M. & evening. 

Saw 4 bats flying from Mts. at 7 P.M.

Caught a Gila Monster.

Hot. 104 [[degree symbol]] most of day.

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Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Edited WEnt to went -@siobhanleachman