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May 25. Called on Mr Brown & spent much of the day with him & looked over a part of his fine collection of birds skins & eggs in evening. 

Hunted part of the forenoon. Got a Jack Rabbit & some Spermophilus tereticaudus

Decided to go to Mammoth but can not start till Monday morning.

Tucson is mostly flat top Mexican adobe houses with narrow, crooked streets

" [[ditto for: May]] 26 Sunday.

Staid in Tucson all day. The stage leaves for Auricle at 7 A.M. in morning.

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Transcription Notes:
guessing "Auricle" is a Vernonism for Oracle, which he spells correctly later -@meg_shuler Mr Brown is Herbert Brown, Arizona's Pioneer Ornithologist. Added "26" to date. -@siobhanleachman