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June 17. Got up at 4 oclock & begun our report. wrote till 9:30 [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] Then packed specimens & packed my trunk & am ready for an early start tomorrow for Tucson.

" [[ditto for: June]] 18 Started for Tucson at 8 A.M & arrived there at 2:30. Had to wait till 7 P.M. for the train to El Paso. Spent several hours with Mr. Brown.

Saw many Tamias harrisi all along the road to Tucson & the holes and mounds of Dipodomys deserti (?) were numerous to near Tucson. S. tereticaudus were not seen until near town & then were numerous. It was dark when the train started.

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Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Edited various Tuscon's to Tucson. Vernon visits again with Mr Herbert Brown the ornithologist. -@siobhanleachman