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July 16. Did'nt get started for a hunt till 11:30, then went up on the mesa & killed 4 Prairie Dogs & 5 Spermophiles & 5 Shorelarks & an Owl.

Got back at 5 P.M. & skinned the Spermophiles & 2 Prairie Dogs before 10 oclock.

A hot day, cool in evening.

" [[ditto for: July]] 17 Got up at 5 oclock & went to traps upon mesa before breakfast. Caught a Spermophile & shot a Prairie Dog, a C. gunnisoni.

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Got to work at skinning before 8 oclock & finished up the things at 3 P.M., then set a few traps on flats but it rained & I came back without any game.

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