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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Sep. 4. Some frost in ravine in morning. Caught some mice & gophers & killed a few birds. Hunted all of forenoon. Got a Porcupine. In P.M. skinned & stuffed 2 Thomomys, 2 Chipmunks, 3 Mice, & 5 birds. Finished up at 9. P.M. didn't have time to skin the Porcupine. A hot day. " [[ditto for: Sep.]] 5 Went to traps in morning, didnt catch much. Hunted till noon but didnt kill anything of use. Went down in the valley for Spermophiles but found no fresh signs of them. Set a few traps. In P.M. skinned & stuffed a Porcupine & Sorex personatus & cleaned a few skulls. Watched for bats in evening, saw one, didnt get a shot. Cloudy & windy towards night.
Transcription Notes:
added ditto tag and made one small edit -@meg_shuler