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Sep. 6. A little frost in morning.

Went to my traps & then took a horse & went off S.W. through Bridgers Pass for 4 or 5 miles. Found some Sagegrouse & Jack Rabbits. Caught a large Badger.

Got home at 4 P.M. Watched for bats in evening, saw one but missed it.

Skinned an Arvicola in evening.

" [[ditto for: Sep.]] 7. Took up my traps. Only caught a Neotoma. Killed some birds. Skinned the birds & Rat & a Badger which took until about 4 P.M., then began on my report.

" [[ditto for: Sep.]] 8. Got up at 6 oclock & began on my report. Worked about 7 hours on it & used 15 pages.

Then packed the specimens & my trunk which took till dark. It is Saturday night & I am all read to start to Rawlins Monday morning.

Transcription Notes:
added ditto tags, made a few minor edits -@meg_shuler Edited Arvieola to Arvicola - Normal issue of Vernon writing his c's like e's. see -@siobhanleachman