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[[underlined]] Bridgers Pass to Rawlins [[/underlined]]

Sep. 10, Started to town at 5 A.M. A splendid, cool morning for a ride & the Cottontails & Jack Rabbits are running in all directions through the Sagebrush. Killed a Prairie Dog.

Reached Rawlins at 8:30 - 18 miles, had to wait till 1 P.M. for the train & then started west. Crossed the "crest of the continent & then went down grade at a lively rate.

Saw Prairie Dogs (columbianus) [[overwritten]] U [[/overwritten]] near Rawlins & a few scattered along most of the way. Saw gopher holes but no gophers.

Reached Green River City at 6 P.M. & spent the rest of the day asking questions.

The country all along the rout & at Green River is very dry & barren & alkaline.