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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] Sep. 11. Hunted all of A.M. Killed a Cynomys columbianus & some birds. Found the Sagebrush Sparrow which is new to me. In P.M. hired a room & got my trunk & unpacked & begun work by skinning the things killed. A very hot day & no water that it is safe to drink. " [[ditto for: Sep.]] 12. Hunted up the river all of A.M. & except a few little birds along the river flats saw nothing. In P.M. went the other way & set some traps for Prairie Dogs, shot one but tore its head all to pieces. Saw some small birds. They seem to be migrating. Can find no signs of small mammals as mice &c- never found so lifeless a place before. It is like a great ash heap. A very hot & thirsty day.