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Sep. 13. Went to my prairie Dog traps in morning but caught nothing.

Shot one Prairie Dog & some T. quadrivittatus.

Went down the river 2 or 3 miles & found a more fertile place but no signs of animal life.

Very windy & the birds keep out of sight.

In P.M. skinned the Prairie Dog & Chipmunks.

Didnt go out again for it seems so useless. Guess I will leave the place tomorrow.

" [[ditto for: Sep.]] 14, Went to traps in morning, caught nothing, took them up. Then made out a little report, packed up my things & was ready for the 2 P.M. train but it was 4 hours late & I had to wait.

Started west at 6 P.M. & reached Carter at 8 oclock. All of the way through dry, sagebrush country. 

Staid at Carter [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] over night.