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Sep. 16. Sunday.

A pleasant day & birds all around in the brush.

Wrote some & tramped around in the brush some.

" [[ditto for: Sep.]] 17. Prepared a few specimens in morning. Then cleaned up my gun & loaded cartridges & packed some things for a hunting trip.

Hunted along the creek valley most of P.M., but everything kept out of sight. was windy & cloudy & not a good time for hunting. Found some good places to set traps but will take a trip of a few days up in the Uintah Mts before setting out traps here. Intend to start early in the morning.
Saw a Coyote, early this morning, in the garden & came near getting a shot.

Transcription Notes:
Uintah Mts = Vernon probably means Uinta Mountains -@siobhanleachman