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Sep. 18. At 8 A.M. started for the Uintah Mts., with light wagon & camping outfit & a Mr. W. Mount for companion. Struck a round up camp at noon & shared their dinner.

Rained about half of the time during the journey & was cold & dissagreeable.

Saw a few Sage Grouse, no other game along the road.

Struck camp at 3 P.M., about 25 m. up in the mountains & not far below snow, in an open park on side of mountain at the junction of Blacks Fork & [[strikethrough]] Archors [[/strikethrough]] Fork. Heavy timber of pine, spruce, & popple all around.

Hunted & fished the rest of day & had mountain trout for supper. Didnt kill anything of account.

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Sep. 19. Crawled out early, got breakfast & was in the woods when the Woodpeckers woke up. Saw 2 Deer but didn't get a shot. Killed all the Chipmunks, Squirrels, & birds that I could well carry & returned to camp at 10:30.

After dinner skinned & labled the things & rolled up the skins in paper so they would not dry till I return to the ranch.

Set mouse traps at holes in park.

Mount caught 19 trout of 1/2 to one pound & I took care of 3 of them for supper.

" [[ditto for: Sep.]] 20. Got up early. found everything froze up. water in pail froze over 1/4 inch thick.

Hunted till noon but didnt get much, only a few more of the new Chipmunks (3). Caught a young Arvieola pallidus in one of the mouse traps at hole.

Set all of my traps for them.