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Sep. 29. Hunted & set traps in forenoon Caught three Arvicolae & killed a few birds. Didnt find much signs of game. Killed a Rabbit. Skinned & stuffed 7 mice & a Rabbit in P.M. Very warm.

" [[ditto for: Sep.]] 30. Went to Mormon church. Weather like midsummer.

Oct. 1, Went to traps in morning & caught my first Ochetodon in a trap set for Arvicola riparius in a low, grassy place. Caught 3 Dipodomys agilis but the ants had spoiled one & a carron beetle had made a hole in another. Caught a Weasel at hole of Dipodomys.

Came home & skinned the things which took till 4 P.M. Then set some more traps & went to town for mail & ammunition. Cloudy most of day & cooler.

Transcription Notes:
Edited Arvicolae - Vernon frequenly writes his "e"'s shaped like "c"s (see how he writes "place") and at that time there was an American water vole thought to be in that genus. See -@siobhanleachman Reviewed. Added back in [[end page]] as requested in the instructions. See the blue box at the top left of this page. Hope this helps. -@siobhanleachman.