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Oct. 5. Started for the mountains at daybreak. went up Birch Creek Canyon & hunted all day. Killed some birds, chipmunks & a Pine squirrel.
Climbed nearly to the top of the range. It is high, steep, rocky, & brushy. Got back late, tired & hungry.

" [[ditto for: Oct.]] 6. Skinned the things killed yesterday, which took till afternoon, then hunted till dark. Did'nt get much.

" [[ditto for: Oct.]] 7. Sunday.
Rained some & cold all day, snowed on the mountain peaks.

" [[ditto for: Oct.]] 8. Went to town in morning & took gun & killed some P. domesticus & a few other birds. Came back & [[inkblot]] skinned a few birds. Hunted along river till dark. Got some birds only.  
Warm pleasant weather.