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Oct. 15. Got up early & packed up things & started at 9 A.M. to find a place to board near the mountains.
Tried at several places & finally found a place with Mr. Miller, an old bachelor near the hills. Didnt get settled till 4 P.M., then took traps & gun & before dark set 9 gopher traps & 9 for mice. Killed a Jay & a Black tailed Rabbit.

"[[ditto for: Oct]] 16. Went hunting & to traps before breakfast. Got 2 Thomys & a Hesperomys & shot a Tamias Pallidus.

The sun shone on the highest peaks at 6:30 & at the house not till 8:10. I was high up the side of the mountain when it rose & had a grand chance to watch the peaks light-up all along the Wahsatch Range & in the lake.

Skinned things till 3 P.M. & then hunted & set traps till dark. Got a Thomomys & a Spermophilus grammurus. No frost up here yet.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Edited "post" to "frost". Vernon's writing strikes again ;-) -@siobhanleachman Reviewed again. Added back in [[end page]] as requested in the instructions. See the blue box at the top left of this page. Hope this helps. -@siobhanleachman.