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[[underlined]] 1889 [[/underlined]]

July 26 Left Albuquerque at 2 P.M. & proceeded to Flagstaff, Arizona. Saw Prairie Dogs all along after getting onto the mesa W. of Rio Grande. Also Dipodomys holes.

Was dark when we reached Gallup.

" [[ditto for: July]] 27 Loafed around town most of day, tried to find a horse. Did some tramping but no collecting.

A cool, pleasant day.

" [[ditto for: July]] 28 Sunday

At the Bank Hotel, Flagstaff.

" [[ditto for: July]] 29 Started for Little Spring at one P.M. & reached it about 6. - [[strikethrough]] 18 [[/strikethrough]] 20 miles. Rode through a splendid forest of pines and grassy parks

Killed an Evening Grosbeak.

Saw Prairie Dogs in the parks. Thomomomys all the way,

A small patch of snow in sight in N. side of mountain.

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