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Aug. 3 Killed 3 Pine Squirrels & a Chipmunk & a Picoides v. harrisi & Sphyrapicus thiroides & a Hummer. Had a lot more birds. Made 13 bird skins & 5 mammal skins. A pleasant day. " [[Ditto for: Aug]] 4 Sunday. Took a long ride to Partridge Spr. & beyond. Carried home some specimens. " [[Ditto for: Aug]] 5 Went around to N.E. side of mountain & up high on the base. Found gooseberry & strawberry & raspberry bushes up there. Set 29 traps & caught 6 Spermophilus spilosoma & shot 2 more. Caught 2 new Arvicolas with short tails. Killed a Black-tail fawn, & saw the old doe in evening. Made 7 mammal & 2 bird skins. " [[Ditto for: Aug]] 6 Went to traps before breakfast & got 7 Hesperomys - nothing else. Made 9 mammal & 6 bird skins. A hard rain began at 5.30 P.M. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]