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Aug. 12 Am alone again. everyone else gone to snake-dance.
Feel weak & worked slow. 
Caught & put up 8 Chipmunks & 5 birds.
Added 3 new warblers to our list of birds.
A pleasant day & no rain here.
Measured, catalogued, labled, skinned stuffed & cleaned the skull of a Tamias 4vittatus in 11 minutes; another in 11 1/2 minutes.
Got 2 Thomomys.

" [[ditto for: Aug.]] 13 Caught a lot of Chipmunks & a Thomomys & killed a crossbill & an Accipiter fuscus.
Made 9 skins. Went down to Bucklers & hired his boy to cook & help around camp.
Havnt felt like [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] crowding work very fast.
A pleasant day, no rain but showers around in evening.

" [[ditto for: Aug.]] 14 Have not worked much today.
Added two new birds to my list & killed & put up 5 birds & 3 mammals.
Found a little lake above the spring, now nearly dry.
A cool day & no rain.
Showers all around.

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Transcription Notes:
Added note about pencil line but also included [[blank page]] markup as there is no writing on it. -@siobhanleachman