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Aug. 15 Feel better today & set some traps.
Caught a Neotoma & found a new kind of Bat dead by water trough
Shot some birds & made 6 bird skins & 3 of mammals.
Packed a box of skins - mammals.
A cool day.
55 [[degree symbol]] at sunrise & 73 [[degree symbol]] at 2 P.M.
The last bit of snow dissapered in P.M. from this side of the mountain.
No rain here but showers around.

" [[Ditto for: Aug. 16]] Caught 2 skunks & 2 Neotomas & 2 Chipmunks.
Shot a few birds & added a H. ruficapillus 9. to our list of birds.
Mr. Knowlton came & promptly begun work on the plants.
It rained hard & hailed & blew for a short time in P.M. A cold, damp evening.
56 [[degree symbol]] at sunrise.

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Transcription Notes:
Think "Mr. Knowlton" may be Frank Hall Knowlton. see -@siobhanleachman