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[[blank page]] [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]] 1889 [[/underlined]] Nov. 1[[overwritten]] 4 [[/overwritten]]5 Left Nogales (Arizona) at 3 P.M. & reached Benson at 10. Took the east bound tain & reached Wilcox at 12 P.M. " [[ditto for: Nov.]] 16 The town of Dos Cabesas - Two Heads - is 15 miles S. E. of Wilcox. Had to wait for my trunk & took a tramp over the plain. Shot a young Spermophilus spilosoma & a Lepus texensis & a Corvus criptolucus & some Ammodramus. Found lots of holes & tracks of a small Dipodomys or Dipodops, & also of mice. Saw about 8 Lepus texensis. Ravens are numerous & mostly criptolucus, though I heard one croak of the heavy, guttural sound so common in Salt Lake Valley. The voice of cryptoleucus is fine & harsh. The country about Wilcox is flat & rather bare, much of it is crusted over with alkalie. The middle of the valley is covered with salt grass. Farther back there are Yuccas, like angustifolia, & a fine leaved Artemesia [[circled]] * 18 [[/circled]] There are low mountains all around. The two heads of Dos Cabesas are in plain view to the S.E.
Transcription Notes:
I believe Cabesos is spelled Cabezas