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Nov. 22 Caught a big Dipodomys & some Onychomys & a little Dipodomys. Skinned these & set some traps. did not hunt much. Explored a shaft to an old mine but found nothing in it. Caught a Prairie Dog. 

" [[ditto for: Nov.]] 23 Caught 3 Perognathus flavus - or like it - & 3 big Dipodomys & 2 Onychomys. Killed a pair of Harporhynchus crissalis. Made up the skins & hunted a little while in evening. 
A very pleasant day & warm evening. 

" [[ditto for: Nov.]] 24 Sunday

" [[ditto for: Nov.]] 25 Packed up & wrote my report. 

" [[ditto for: Nov.]] 26 Came down to Wilcox - 15 miles - in A.M., & in P.M. set 28 traps & hunted on the plain about Wilcox. Found nothing to shoot but birds & Rabbits.
Set the traps for Perognathus & Dipodomys mostly. 
A warm pleasant day but rather windy.