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Dec. 1 Sunday, warm but cloudy & looks like rain. 
Went to my traps in morning & got some Dipodops & Onychomys & a Perognathus apache. 

" [[ditto for Dec.]] 2 Caught 5 Dipodops & a Hesperomys & a Perognathus apache. Reset the traps carefully & tried baiting the Perognathus with sunflower seeds as that is what they seem to feed on. They don't take bait & seem to be afraid of the traps. Their tracks are numerous in the sand but I have only found one hole where they live. have caught 3 at that hole. 
Dipodops are not so easy to catch as the little Dipodomys were in Mexico & at Dos Cabesos. 
Found a big stick house of Neotomas & set traps for them. 
Corvus cryptoleucus are numerous around town & feed with the hogs in a stock yard. They are as tame as the domestic doves. 
It took me from 11 oclock till dark to skin & put up 15 mammals. 
Warm & some cloudy.