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(Thomas Kerr)

came to Mr. Kerr's Ranch about 2 P.M. Found the bones of two [[underlined]] Felis [[/underlined]] & got the skull of one & the upper part of skull & the tail bone & scapular of the other. They had the skin of one, but Mr. Kerr was not at home & I could not get it. It was in fine pelage, of a grayish brown & has the nose & claws & tail all on. Both the Panthers were said to be [[female symbol]]. Found a Bears skull, which is of a [[female symbol]] that had 2 cubs.

Went down the cañon a mile farther to Mr. Kirkseys after a Bear skull that was said to be there, but couldnt find it. Came back into Mill Creek Cañon & then over the main divide home. The sun went down while I was 8 miles from home with a mountain to cross & no trail over the top. By good luck I did not get lost & reached Mr. Finleys at 8 oclock.

Rather enjoyed the trip, saw much country, got some good specimens, & met several pleasant people.

Jan. 15 Packed up & went down to Ft. Davis.  Cold & windy, clear.