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Feb. 1 Caught a [[male symbol]] Opossum & 3 Sigmodons & a Rabbit. Shot a Golden fronted Woodpecker. put up skins & hunted. 
Went up the creek - San Philippe Creek - about a mile. It is a queer stream, keeps running under ground & then boiling up out of holes, is very deep in places. The water is clear & there are lots of fish in it.
Cloudy most all day & a sprinkle of rain in morning, cleared up about 4 P.M.

" [[ditto for: Feb.]] 2 Sunday.

" [[ditto for: Feb.]] 3 Took my traps & went down creek on the other side about mile.
Set 15 traps but did not find good places.
Saw lots of Cottontails & some Possum tracks. Shot 2 birds.
My head aches & my legs are weak so & could only crawl along & got very tired.
In P.M. skinned the 2 birds & laid down most of the time. Took 2 pills, which opperated finely & then took two doses of Quinine. Feel better in evening.
It was cloudy & misty all of A.M. but cleared up at 1 P.M. & was hot.
Wrote some letters & got some mail.

Transcription Notes:
Added in missing small words. -@siobhanleachman