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[[preprinted letterhead]]
Vandyck Galleries Inc.
1611 Connecticut Avenue
North 151
[[/preprinted letterhead]]

February 28th, 1925.

Mr. Rene Seligmann,
Jacques Seligmann Company, 
705 Fifth Avenue,
New York City.

Dear Mr. Seligmann:

I have had the picture by Hondekoter, hanging in Mr. Ritter's house, but he has just telephoned me that after consideration, he is not interested in it. I will therefore send for it this morning, and have it packed and returned to you today, as I have no other possibility at the present.

Mrs. Hammond, and in fact most of her family, are in bed with la grippe, and entirely dead to the world. As soon as I can see her, I will go up and talk the tapestries over with her. When I have gotten her permission to hang them, I will wire you, so that we will not lose any time in getting them up. I am kept closely informed about the situation there and you may depend on me to leave no stone unturned.

Please advise me when the painting is received by you.

Very truly yours
[[signature]] John J Cunningham Jr[[/signature]]