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This coincidence awakened new interest in your collection and she said she would like to see the portraits. However there is some restraint as she does not think Mr. G. will pay a big price for portraits. I am going to see her again the end of this week or fore part of next week and can reopen the matter and try to get permission to bring the entire group to her home. Further I shall try to get permission to hang them, removing temporarily the poor examples from her walls.

I am trying to place a pair of landscapes and figures "Hunting Party" by George Henry Andrews opposite the mirrors we are repairing in the lower vestibule hall leading to the gardens.

The pair,(not high in price around $3000.00) will not interfere with our general scheme.

So far so good,but the election is for or against us, I shall march on with the best of courage and relay the results to you.

With kind personal regards, I am,

Yours sincerely,
[[signature]] GEKelley [[/signature]]
(George E. Kelley)