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shot a Rabbit, saw more Deer tracks.

Warm, snow going off fast.

Came back to Bridgman & then over to Milaca, waited for train from 4 to 6:30 P.M. Milaca [[strikethrough]] like [[/strikethrough]] and Bridgman are lumber towns, each with a large saw mill. Are on flat muddy ground & at this season not very dry. Dark soon after leaving Milaca & could see no more of the country. Reached Hinckley at 8 P.M. & put up at the Windsor House.

March 21

Woke up in a town I had not seen before. Found it to be another lumber town with pine all around & town full of stumps, not a live tree in or near town. Begun the day by asking questions about the country. Got acquainted with half a dozen men & learned all they knew about the country. Finally settled on a plan & hired a man to take me out to Davi's lumber camp 4 miles N. of town on the N. fork of the Grindstone R. the camp is in thick timber of Pinus strobus, Abies balsamea A. nigra & common deciduous trees. It is a large camp of about 45 men. They have banked 6600000 feet of logs this winter.