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March 28 Froze in morning, thawed fast, clear & warm - Hunted most all day, found a Porcupine & caught an Evotomys, killed a Regulus satrapa.

" [[Ditto for: March]] 29 Froze up in morning, a little flurry of snow, thawed fast before noon. 
Took a long snowshoe tramp in A.M. Came near getting lost, went away back into heavy timber where not a stick has been cut. The big pines stand thick & are tall & straight. It is nice timber.
Heard a growling that I think was a Lynx, saw lots of fresh Lynx tracks, saw 8 Deer, 5 of them in one drove.
Caught a mink in a trap, set 13 more shrew traps.

" [[Ditto for: March]] 30 Sunday, Froze hard in morning, thawed through the day.

" [[Ditto for: March]] 31 A cold night, clear, froze hard, thawed fast through the day.
Went to my Wolf bait for the last time. nothing had been to it. Took up most of my traps, caught a Hesperomys & 6 Evotomys & 2 Sarex personatus,

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