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made up 9 mammal & 2 bird skins,
Packed the big skins in a box & the rest in my trunk, packed up my things & am ready to start for home in the morning.
The snow is a foot deep in the woods & roads still good.

April 1 Took up the rest of my traps & left the lumber camp early in the morning. Came out to Hinckley on a sleigh & good road until out of the woods near town. Snow a foot deep & solid in woods. some bare ground in & near town.
Left Hinckley at [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 2:40 P.M. Passed through some splendid pine timber that had not been touched, large trees & thick. Country flat & swampy & brushy, more open & some farms near Mora. Abies balsamea extends to about Mora, not south of there.
Some pine & lots of stumps at Milaca, but Pinus strobus begins to run out & none seen south of Estes. From Estes there is heavy maple timber a few miles & then a belt of Pinus bankseana reaches to across the river from Princeton - thick & small. 
Around half bare at Princeton & thence to Elk River.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Edited fine to pine. -@siobhanleachman