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Reached Simeon at noon & stopped at about 5 oclock at Mr. Wills' ranch, about 35 miles from Valentine.
Shot a Spermophilus wallis & a pair of Mallards. No flowers seen except a little Carex. Anemone patens are in bloom all around Valentine
Holes & tracks of Dipodomys seen when we got into the sandhills 2 miles S. of town, & all along the route where very sandy. Geomys hills numerous all along. Saw 2 S. 13lineatus. Only saw one new bird - Melenerpes erythrocephalus
Colapetes are common all along, about as many red as yellow but more are dull & mixed.

April 16 Went out to a P.D. town near the ranch
Shot 2 Prairie Dogs & a Cottontail & a S. 13lineatus, & a big Weasel.
Skinned these things & rolled up skins.
In P.M. followed up the Gorden Cr. about 3 miles, only got a Short eared Owl & saw its mate. Saw a lot of ducks but did not get any.
My box did not come so I have to stay here another night & can not do much without traps.
[[strikethrough]] Frost in morning [[/strikethrough]], a cool day.

Transcription Notes:
Melenerpes erythrocephalin = Melanerpes erythrocephala? Reviewed. -@siobhanleachman